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- #2680
- @001 Enter the name of the OWNER:
- @002 Enter the name of the CONTRACTOR:
- @100 Enter the description of the work to be performed:
- @101 Enter estimated completion schedule:
- !102 Enter the contract price:
- #2681 Do you want to specify materials to be used?
- #if#2681
- @300 Specify areas specified:
- @301 Enter specifications:
- #endif
- #2682 Will the contractor pay for permits?
- #2683 Will contractor be required to name subcontractors?
- #2684 Will contract be required to provide proof of insurance?
- #if#2684
- !103 Enter insurance limits required (in numerals):
- #endif
- #2685/#2686/#2687
- 1/3 Rough in;1/3 inspection;1/6;1/6
- Weekly draw on per centage of completion
- Joint checks on materials; 1/3;1/3- 1/6,1/6 on labor
- #2688 Is contractor required to remove trash?
- #2689 Is mechanic's lien clause desired?
- #2690 Is arbitration clause for disputes desired?
- #2691 Is definition for termination required?
- #2692 Is attorney's fee clause desired?
- #2693
- #end control section
- #2680
- /* Para. 2680: Contract for remodeling, large */
- @001, referred to as OWNER, and @002, referred to as CONTRACTOR,
- agree as follows:
- CONTRACTOR shall perform the following services for OWNER:
- @100
- on the following estimated schedule:
- @101
- for the following price: $ @102 (!102 dollars)
- Contractor shall be responsible for the following in addition to
- the workman like performance of the work stated above:
- #2681
- /* Para 2681: Spec of materials */
- The materials used for the following areas:
- @300
- shall meet the following respective specifications, or be
- equivalent to the following manufacturer's product lines
- described:
- @301
- #2682
- /* Para 2682: Permits */
- Provision of all permits required for the services to be performed
- above.
- #2683
- /* Para.2683: Subs */
- CONTRACTOR shall at least 7 days prior to commencement of work
- provide the names and addresses of all sub-contractors intended
- to be utilized in the construction. At the time of each payment
- of any portion of the contract price, the CONTRACTOR shall
- provide a lien waiver or certificate of payment for all work
- performed by each sub-contractor.
- #2684
- /* Para 2684: Insurance*/
- Provision of worker's compensation insurance, general liability
- insurance in a minimum amount of $ @103 (!103 dollars).
- #2685
- /* Para. 2685: Draw sked */
- The stipulated contract price shall be paid as follows:
- 1/3 on rough in; 1/3 on first inspection and 1/6 on final
- inspection and 1/6 on final inspection and completion of all
- appearance/punch list in items.
- #2686
- /* Para. 2686: Weekly draw based on per centage of completion*/
- The stipulated contract price shall be paid as follows:
- A weekly draw based upon per centage of completion, less a
- retainage of 10% per cent, which shall be paid on final
- inspection and completion of appearance/punch list items.
- #2687
- /* Para. 2687: Bills for materials */
- The stipulated contract price shall be paid as follows:
- When bona fide bills for materials are presented the same shall
- be paid directly by the OWNER within the terms provided. Labor
- shall be paid as follows:
- 1/3 on rough in; 1/3 on inspection; 1/6 on completion; 1/6 on
- final inspection and completion of appearance/punch list items.
- #2688
- /* Para. 2688: Removal of trash */
- The CONTRACTOR shall daily remove all trash and debris from the
- premises.
- #2689
- /* Para. 2689: Ack lien */
- The owner acknowledges an express mechanic's lien on the above
- described real estate to secure the payment of the amounts
- contracted herein.
- #2690
- /* Para. 2690: Arb */
- Any disputes arising out of or related to this agreement shall be
- arbitrated under the rules of the American Arbitration Association
- before a single arbiter.
- #2691
- /* Para. 2691: Termination */
- This agreement may be terminated by OWNER upon substantial
- abandonment of the project, defined as at least 3 business days
- without substantial activity, except delays caused by:
- a) bona fide weather disturbances;
- b) strikes;
- c) shortages of material;
- d) sub contractor delays not caused by the general contractor;
- e) governmental delays except those caused by the fault of
- contractor or subcontractor;
- or,
- persistent failure of workmanship to meet high quality standards
- for which adequate assurance of correction is not provided.
- #2692
- /* #2692: Attorney's fee clause*/
- In any disputes related to this agreement, the adjudication body
- may assess reasonable counsel fees to the prevailing party.
- #2693
- /* Para. 2693--- closer */
- This is the entire agreement between the parties and this
- agreement may only be altered in writing.
- Dated: _________________________
- ____________________________________________________
- @001
- ____________________________________________________
- @002